Sandra Paulsen, Ph.D.

Dr. Sandra Paulsen is co-editor of “The Neurobiology & Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Toward an Embodied Self” (2014), and author of, “Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma & Dissociation: An Illustrated Guide for EMDR Therapists and Clients.” She is a fellow of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. She was invited faculty at the First and Third World Congresses of Ego State Therapy in Germany, 2003 and South Africa, 2010, Japan EMDR Conference 2010, Masters Series Lecturer at EMDRIA conference in Toronto, 2004. She wrote chapters in Corsini’s Encyclopedia of Psychology and Handbook of Innovative Psychotherapy, and in Shapiro’s Solutions II, Forgash’s Healing the Heart of Trauma, and Luber’s EMDR Scripted Protocols. She has collaborated with John G. Watkins, originator of ego state therapy. She was Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii; and Acting Chief Psychologist at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu. She now lives and works on Bainbridge Island, near Seattle, specializing in intensive treatment for early trauma and attachment injuries.
Sandra's books can be purchased here >
Her Curriculum Vitae can be found here >
View all courses available by this faculty member (23):
- A Conversation with Lt Ken Gardner: EMDR and Recidivism
- 2024 Edition: Did I Lock the Door? Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with EMDR Therapy Informed by Exposure & Response Prevention and Ego State Therapy
- Benefits and Risks of the Intensive Format: Taking Care Ethically
- When Is it Autism and When is it Trauma and Dissociation?: An Interview with Autism Researcher Katherine Reuben by Sandra Paulsen
- Looking Through the Eyes of High Functioning Autism: Accommodating NeuroBeautiful Brains with EMDR
- A conversation between Sandra Paulsen and Sherri Paulson: Considerations for EMDR therapy with individuals on the autism spectrum.
- Module 9 - Hearing the Untold Unheard Story of Developmental Trauma and Unmet Needs to Dismantle the Symptom Shrine
- How the Untold Unheard Story Tells Itself Nonverbally: Temporally Integrating Unconscious and Implicit Very Early Trauma
- When There Are No Words - Still and Again: The Basic Procedure for Temporal Integration from the Beginning of Life
- Looking Through the Eyes of Trauma and Dissociation Revisited: Assembling the Patchwork Quilt through Fractionated Processing
- S is for the Self-System Looking Through the Eyes: Using Ego State Therapy to Shift Loyalty from Aggressor to Self and more
- A Conversation with Lt Ken Gardner: Listening for Line of Duty Trauma and Obstacles to Processing in Provision of EMDR Therapy for Law Enforcement Officers
- E. is for Embodiment: Resolving Somatic Dissociation to Enable an Embodied Self
- N is for Neuroaffective: Working Under the Floorboards by Resetting the Affective Circuits and Other Interruptive Methods and Devices
- Interview, Formulation, and Plan
- First Nations Mindfulness and More: Plains Peoples Way of Thinking and Being
- Benefits and Mitigated Risks of Intensive Treatment for Early Trauma
- How the Story Tells Itself in Preverbal and Non-Verbal EMDR
- Initial Clinical Interview for EMDR Treatment Planning
- 31 Secrets of the Embodied Self
- Looking Through The Eyes
- Toward An Embodied Self
- When There Are No Words